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  submit your book

Thanks for your interest in submitting your book to Chickadee Prince. 


We are interested in any and all books, fiction and nonfiction of any genre, agented and unagented, as long as they’re good.

Please don’t submit a book that has previously been published or self-published. We do not accept subsequent books in ongoing series. So if your book is the first book in a series, we will consider it. If it is book 2 (or later), we cannot. We will, however, consider sequels that stand entirely on their own.

We do not charge you to publish your book.We pay an advance, albeit a small one, and we cover the usual publisher expenses. We will work with agented books and unagented books.

If you are willing to obtain a review from a pre-publication magazine (like Kirkus) we will consider this very favorably in making our determination to publish, and in most cases will reimburse you for your expenses if you can provide a highly-favorable review. If you are interested in this, please discuss it with us first!

Please send a descriptionof your book and one chapter (or the first ten pages) using the portal below, along with confirmation that the book has not previously been published or self-published, and whether your book is agented or unagented. Let us know whether or not you are interested in obtaining a pre-publication review. If you are, this will weigh very heavily in your favor, but if you choose not to, we will still consider and carefully review your book. Please also tell us a little about yourself and your writing career, including any notable reviews.

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